about me

where do i begin.....first, i never wanted a website but i've loved this journey. i thrive on creating relationships, meeting new people, telling stories, connecting on common interests. i would rather have a small shop, host events or meet one on one. 2020 made a website the best first option. now a little about how i got here.

a shy child, i was more fascinated by objects, their beauty, the details, their stories and the relationships to people. books, art, rocks, my mothers vintage clothing, photographs, jewelry, i was in love with it all.

even though i longed to create clothing, i studied literature. by chance, i decided to refocus on fashion at a large american heritage brand. these years taught me about people, product, the psychology of visual display. the most critical lesson was the shocking waste, consumption and destruction that exists in fashion. there is so much beauty already in this world that we don't need to create more stuff. (read more in sustainability)

i went on to apply my passion for jewelry at an incredible nyc designer brand by selling high end costume, fine, vintage and antique pieces. the experience was life changing and allowed me to build a brand, open stores, meet some of the most fascinating clients and coworkers i will ever know, counting many now as life long friends. one desire remained, the need to reduce our consumer impact on the planet and people. 

after years of wanting to have something of my own, this past year was filled with position eliminations, lay offs, bankruptcies, Zoom calls with supportive friends and more, but 2020 cleared my obstacles. these endless months have reminded me of ecclesiasties: for everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven. this is the season for me to build something for all of you who i'm thankful to have met on this journey. let's rediscover something beautiful and make the world a better place. (more about my name)

 lots of love, troy...