responsible brand statement

if you can decide to not buy today, you should. reducing consumption is a great way to address sustainability. if you decide to buy, think about your purchase and consider me.

when possible, we should choose to repair, refurbish and love those items we have already purchased. if you do buy, vintage or already loved items are best.

all of the pieces in this collection are vintage, antique or re-made. some of the components are new as needed to maintain the integrity of the design. my hope is to present the beauty that already exists in the world and to create a collection doesn't negatively impact the planet or people.

the order packaging is post-consumer. the outside of the box is often wrapped. i try to avoid bubble wrap and opt for shredded fashion magazines. any gift boxes are not new and may be painted. the ground service is preferred and in the future i will add options to off set carbon emissions for shipping.

my pricing reflects the goal of building a small business. i want to be able to hire team members by offering compelling wages and great benefits that reflect their personal contributions. since i'm currently a team of one, i can offer great discounts, just email me to inquire. in the future, i may not have the same ability and i appreciate your support in helping build this business not just for me but for the team members to come.

the world is full of beauty, let's rediscover everything that is already under the sun.